Monday, April 21, 2008

Open Letter to Razor-Challenged Dudes Everywhere

Alternate title for this post: Enough already

Dear Dudes,

Okay, enough with the fucking beards guys. I am so over that look it is not even funny. Just today at my work alone I have spotted five fucking beards…FIVE!!! And for an office that only has about 2 dudes in it, that is a crazy high ratio.

Seriously guys, seriously. What is it with the beard? I mean you still have to shave, right, so it is not like it is a laziness type thing. Do you feel it makes you look more macho nacho or something? It makes you look older if I do say so myself, and that can never really be a good look I don’t think but then again look at Clooney so who am I to judge?

I have to say that I was not always a beard hater. When Xtian first began to rock his beard way back when I thought it was bold look very fitting for this high-power snootin falutin type of alpha male persona. But that was then and now somehow a memo went out to dudes everywhere that the beard was the next big thing and low and behold it has become a commoditized fixture in a society full of beard poseurs. It's like the whole Moto RAZR thing all over again except take our mobile phone and instert Joe Sixpack's face.

I mean never since the whole Fuggs craze have I been that appalled at a single one fashion accessory turned wrong, turned WAY wrong. So please guys unless you look way better with a beard than without (and for 99.9% of you guys you look better without) shave that shit off.

Off my soapbox.
