Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Time to Move On

So long, good-bye, to you my friiiiieeend. Farewell good day, until we meet again.

Well for those of you still checking this site is now defunct. Blame it on my insane work sched. or perhaps my wedding planning but I must call it quits on this site.

For those of you DIE HARD fans (Hi mom) you can now find me here which i find more fitting for my present situation. Tee hee. Hope to see ya'll there.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Another one bites the dust


You are AWESOME and the bestest friend a girl could ask for.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Open Letter to Razor-Challenged Dudes Everywhere

Alternate title for this post: Enough already

Dear Dudes,

Okay, enough with the fucking beards guys. I am so over that look it is not even funny. Just today at my work alone I have spotted five fucking beards…FIVE!!! And for an office that only has about 2 dudes in it, that is a crazy high ratio.

Seriously guys, seriously. What is it with the beard? I mean you still have to shave, right, so it is not like it is a laziness type thing. Do you feel it makes you look more macho nacho or something? It makes you look older if I do say so myself, and that can never really be a good look I don’t think but then again look at Clooney so who am I to judge?

I have to say that I was not always a beard hater. When Xtian first began to rock his beard way back when I thought it was bold look very fitting for this high-power snootin falutin type of alpha male persona. But that was then and now somehow a memo went out to dudes everywhere that the beard was the next big thing and low and behold it has become a commoditized fixture in a society full of beard poseurs. It's like the whole Moto RAZR thing all over again except take our mobile phone and instert Joe Sixpack's face.

I mean never since the whole Fuggs craze have I been that appalled at a single one fashion accessory turned wrong, turned WAY wrong. So please guys unless you look way better with a beard than without (and for 99.9% of you guys you look better without) shave that shit off.

Off my soapbox.


Monday, March 24, 2008


OMG OMG OMG, JORGE MIGUEL is coming to the US ya'll! This cannot be true, I LOVE LOVE LOVE him! Like LOVE HIM! For my money, he is the best male singer alive on the planet - his voice is just so bloody brill it is not even funny.

My friend Tristen called me this morning to tell me that her station has been promoting the concerto (pronounced for purposes of this post concherto) for weeks now but given my disdain to listen to the actual radio I have been so clued out.
Naturally after her call I dropped everything I was doing and frantically got online to peep the tix sitchu...well it turns out I will be in New York for work then....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Its like that Alanis "Ironic" song (except the song should be called doesn't it suck since the examples she lists aren't really irony but I digress) except this is far worse than a traffic light while I am already late. This is like mayja (pronouned ala Posh Spice for purposes of this post as well).

Sigh, I will have to figure something out because this is an event NOT to be missed.
Random sidebar note:
Despite almost being 30 this post makes me sound 12 n'est pas?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Top Five Fridays: GT's Video Playlist

  1. Flashing Lights, Kanye West

    I first saw this video on a gossip blog site and I immediately fell in love. I have to say the ending is just so brilliant, FREAKING BRILLIANT, that it bums be out that I did not think of it first.

  2. Stronger, Britney Spears

    Okay, please tell me what female on the planet did not look at this video and not want to be Miss Brit? It is just so darn good, she looks so freaking fierce, and for a girl who never says that word, um hello.

    Granted things have gone a bit downhill since then, but still, she makes good music (and I don't care what anyone says her new CD is so good).

  3. I Want You, Common

    I sawr this video last night and I have to say sooo very good. The beat is just awesome and the video, um hello, so brilliant. I mean who hasn't really taken part in a bit of toxic relationship yet not really let go?

    Then again, I kinda like those obsessive physco videos (hence the #1) not because I am that kinda girl but because I think we all have the potential to be completely obsessive self destructive psychos we just keep it all in check.

    Sidebar: So did I make fun of Nala for putting a Common song on her MySpace page? Yes, yes I did but let me explain. I thought he was like a foolio rapper like these kids with the Jacob the Jeweler blinged out grills on, but I was mistaken so I will own up to that. Go Common.

  4. She Bangs, Ricky Martin

    There is not a single hotter video than this one, I am sorry there just isn't. The one scene with all kinds of boys and girls grabbing on Ricky Martin makes me sizzle.

  5. Before he Cheats, Carrie Underwood

    Please see #1 and 3...enough said right?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Three Truths and a Lie

  1. I once flew to the alleged Area 51 in a private plane with the curtains drawn. Once there I proceeded to touch (and take a picture of me touching) a way awesome plane that we were specifically instructed not to come near, touch or take pictures of and then flew home a few hours later again with the curtains drawn.

  2. At a strip club in Vegas, I rang up close to a $400 lap dancing bill from an heavily make-uped yet pretty stripper that my fiancé promptly paid off for me once he returned from getting me a cocktail. Oops.

  3. When I was in 19, I auditioned to be a San Jose Saber Kitten. I made it to the last round but was told that while my dancing abilities were awesome my boobs were too small to make the final cut. This pretty much directly contributed to my obsession with getting implants.

  4. My friends and I were almost car jacked by a bunch of holligans one night in San Francisco after being out on the town. One of the holligans tried to smashed my car window with a bat while the other attempted to open the side door to get in, but thanks to Nala’s savvy driving (and the fact that she was the only one sober) we were able to get out of there with ourselves and my car unscathed.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This Is How We Do It – Valley Edition*

Last Friday night I felt a lot better than I had all week and as such fully convinced myself that I was on the mend. With that in mind, I decided it would be a great idea to spend the weekend at my sister’s house in the valley where I could laugh and chat with my bro (La Bamba) and sis (Nala) and then hang out with my outrageously adorable nephews Elias and Tobias.

So Saturday morning my mom and I headed out just in time to make it to Elias’ first baseball game of the season (yes in true renaissance form we are a family of academia, art and sport). I am not sure who really won but I guess everyone did since no one was keeping score…sweet GO RANGERS!

Well given that I get extremely cold at any sign of wind and was still on the mend, for the game I decided that it was perfectly okay to be decked out in a beanie, scarf, gloves to complete my usual Olsen Twins look. Hello totally appropriate right? Well this random dude came to talk to La Bamba's mom, whom I was sitting next too, and then he randomly turns to me and says “Hey, you look like that dog.” UM, WTF?!?!

Perhaps I should preface this by saying that my gloves and matching beanie are light and dark green stripes with a matching solid green scarf (cute, right. And I don’t mean that as a question, I mean that as a California statement whereas we end all of our statements with the word right, right) and said dog he was referencing is Blues Clues who I guess wears a light and dark blue stripe scarf and maybe a similar stripped hat hat but I can’t back that up. BUT come the fuck on, who says that to a girl? Esp. one that a) you don’t know and b) is WAYYYY hotter than you. Of course, I then proceed to rag on him for the duration of the scoreless game to which he keeps apologizing and telling me I am totally cute but seriously dude…in no mood for your antics. Whatever.

After the game, and with a slightly less self-absorbed ego, the fam and I head out to a restaurant where you can throw peanuts on the floor. Actually my real purpose for heading out to Trace to begin with (aside from the game) is this place; I have been demanding to go there since I found out that you could do this sort of thing. I am an incredible and rather ridiculous rule follower so the fact that it was in the rules to litter it totally brilliant. Well it totally delivered and even scored extra bonus points for blaring country music (which I rather happen to enjoy but rarely get to listen to because no one else I know likes it) while having their waiters line-dance to popular tunes to entertain the diners…dance monkey dance.

Post lunch, we all headed back to my Nala’s house to hang out and plan our next strategic move of my big night out in the valley. YAY. After some discussing - and some serious reservations from my mom and Xtian about my well being and going out in the cold - La Bamba, Nala and I decide to hit up the new local pub to check out the action for the night. This my friends did not disappoint.

Upon entering, we saddled up to the bar to order pints of Guinness (yes I was drinking beer on antibiotics) and found ourselves seated next to the two biggest cougars with the biggest fake tatas and botox that side of the Altamont. Throughout the night they proceeded to hit on anything and everything that walked (mostly of the younger male variety) whilst ordering a barrage of drinks worthy of a 17-year-old. I am talking about Kamakazi shots, Sex on the Beaches, Midori Sours, Purple Hooters…I mean throw in some Long Island Ice Teas and we are talking about a typical Tuesday night during Gravy Train’s senior year in high school. We, and I am sure the rest of the bar, proceed to gawk, judge and laugh at these ladies throughout the night all the while discussing, at perhaps an inappropriate audible level, the pros and cons of being a cougar. Good times.

After a few rounds we call it a night and head back home where I promptly try to crash on the couch but instead con La Bamba and Nala into a late night discussion about God knows what (perhaps of me dying in an earthquake that night) until I doze off at an ungodly hour. It was a great day and a total top night for me and for a lady whom mostly stays in on weekends watching countless hours of bad tv it was about time I was out and social.

The next morning I woke up feeling like total crap and of course now continue to be sick for the second week in a row. Brilliant. I am such a partying rockstar n’est pas?

*And by Valley I mean the real valley as in central valley not Silicon Valley which is totally different I think.