Well for lack of better content and creativity I will rip of the idea of Valley Girl and D and create my own 20 Things I Don’t Do list. I have to say this is very hard for me since there are not many things I will not do.
- Curry
FuggsUggs- Men in ill-fitting suits*
- Abba
- Peta
- Chevy's
- Tequila
- Angelina Jolie and Jessica Alba (tied)
- Call/email people back
- Extreme Democrats**
- Extreme Republicans
- Extreme anything***
- Illegal drugs of any kind
- Vegans
- Raw foodists
- Tarragon
- Movies made before 1980
- People who cry at the gym because they “can’t”
- The word “can’t”****
- Fanny packs*****
* Even a target suit will look great if it is tailored
** These, I find, are the worst offenders because under the guise of being "liberal" they try to bully you into thinking the way they do and if you don't you are "closed minded". I mean isn't that act in itself totally closed minded?
*** With the exception of extreme sports
**** In reference to one’s ability to acomplish something, not in the “dude, I can’t make it tonight” which is totes cool and actually my #3 overused expression
***** Okay maybe that’s a lie