Sunday, March 16, 2008

20 Things I Do Do

Again giving credit to Valley Girl and D.

  1. Men in perfectly tailored suits
  2. Jesus*
  3. Man push-ups**
  4. Channel the Olsen Twins for my fashion inspiration***
  5. Procrastinate
  6. Prescription drugs****
  7. Smoke socially*****
  8. Wear sun block
  9. Gold
  10. California wines
  11. Tasting menus with wine pairings
  12. Fur
  13. Flat shoes and orthopedic inserts******
  14. Stress out and worry in general
  15. Pop rock worthy of 13-year-old emo girls
  16. Hot dogs
  17. Recycle
  18. Bad reality TV
  19. Walk
  20. Infomericals

* Disclaimer: “Jesus freaks” who use God to judge other people, and thus make laws against them, need not apply. You listening Huckabee?!?!
** And general working out, but it sounds so cool when you just call it out by the man pushups.
*** This may be worthy of another blog post but suffice it to say that I have been known to wander around more often than not with messy hair and dressed like a homeless person yet sporting hideously expensive handbags, sunglasses and shoes. Granted, I even make designer clothes look homeless, but whatever.
**** Hey if they are prescribed they are not illegal and as such bring them on
***** This is perhaps one of my favorite pastimes and if I were not deathly afraid of prematurely aging myself I would do it more frequently. This is also why i wear loads of sunblock and avoid the sun even though I wish I could always be tan.
****** Try having as many feet issues as I do and run around all day in Le Bou Bous. Not going to happen…well not going to happen too often anyway…often enough though since I do heart my shoes.

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