Monday, April 21, 2008

Open Letter to Razor-Challenged Dudes Everywhere

Alternate title for this post: Enough already

Dear Dudes,

Okay, enough with the fucking beards guys. I am so over that look it is not even funny. Just today at my work alone I have spotted five fucking beards…FIVE!!! And for an office that only has about 2 dudes in it, that is a crazy high ratio.

Seriously guys, seriously. What is it with the beard? I mean you still have to shave, right, so it is not like it is a laziness type thing. Do you feel it makes you look more macho nacho or something? It makes you look older if I do say so myself, and that can never really be a good look I don’t think but then again look at Clooney so who am I to judge?

I have to say that I was not always a beard hater. When Xtian first began to rock his beard way back when I thought it was bold look very fitting for this high-power snootin falutin type of alpha male persona. But that was then and now somehow a memo went out to dudes everywhere that the beard was the next big thing and low and behold it has become a commoditized fixture in a society full of beard poseurs. It's like the whole Moto RAZR thing all over again except take our mobile phone and instert Joe Sixpack's face.

I mean never since the whole Fuggs craze have I been that appalled at a single one fashion accessory turned wrong, turned WAY wrong. So please guys unless you look way better with a beard than without (and for 99.9% of you guys you look better without) shave that shit off.

Off my soapbox.



d said...

I am pro-beard. Love the beard, have no idea why really.

Also, I had a bodily reaction to the pic on this post. He's just that hot.

it's not a gravy train said...

I liked the beard too but this is out of control, every douche at work has it and I think that is why I am uber annoyed.

Ryan Gosling hot with anger management downstairs not so much.

TSTuesday said...

I too am pro beard, but it has to be on the right man. Not every dude can pull that look off. Especially if they let the hair grow too long and it looks all hippie like. Yuck.

YZA said...

i'm gonna have to disagree with you and agree with the commentors. beards are way hot (when kept in check and not let grown astray). also, when picking a photo to show what is BAD, it would probably work in your favor if you use one that doesn't include ryan "yowzah" gossling. kthanxbai

The Alleged Ringleader said...

OK you haven't posted in 85 years and I would like to know WHEN I am going to hear about your honeymoon of my dreams?!?!?!