Sunday, December 9, 2007

the first post of the new blog

i am highly impressionable, there is no denying that. i, quite convincingly, adored abba in high-school because my two girlfriends loved them. i sang along to their crappy ass music for years until i discovered years later that i violently despise them - abba - not the friends, i still adore them. during the whole sars scare a few years ago i convinced myself that i, after a bout with flu, had sars too…although that could be credited to my hypochondria.

blogging, for me, is no different. i started my first blog years ago because of a co-worker and his witty and brilliant online repartee. i started my second blog because i enjoyed reading other people’s blogs and i so desperately wanted to write as well as they did and express my own musings on this thing called life. lately, guilt-ridden by a old blog that i never write anymore and envious of other witty blogs, i decided to start afresh and write a new blog whose contents will be whatever comes to me during my train-ride commute to and from work.

why start again? i am not sure. maybe it is because my star-sign dictates my own self-obsession driven through some form of insecurity to put myself out there so people can see the real carefully created public me. maybe it is my hopeless quest to please everyone, that has sadly haunted me my entire life, that I feel the need to take to the pen keyboard to freely carefully express myself online. maybe it is not as deep as i make it out to seem and it truly is because i enjoy writting...however horrific my creative writting may be.

i guess only time will tell what will come of all of this. third-time is a charm they always say and I hope this will be the case with this third blog. happy readings.